
The Last Supper - all metaphor

The Last Supper an incredible metaphor.

When we look at this ritual, we must not think it is a literal act, but rather it is something that points the way to a greater understanding.

The broken bread is YOU.

It is the Christ nature that willingly broke its immortal essence, surrendering it to the mortal realm of death and suffering.

It is thereby “swallowed” into the belly of being a human, a mortal human being.

According to Romans 3:13 the throat is an "open grave" therefore in this ritual, the broken nature of Christ descends through the portal of the grave into the belly of Sheol - the mortal realm where every manner of evil exists.

We are to DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME (the Christ - YOU).

As we practice the ritual we remember that it is OUR JOURNEY into human consciousness and mortality.

Remember in the movie titled, "The Notebook” the author of the notebook is Ally who has dementia, Alzheimers Disease. When diagnosed she begins to write her life’s story in the notebook so that she will NOT FORGET.

She does forget but her husband reads the stories to her until one day she exclaims, THIS ABOUT US!!!

It is the same way with the Bible - it is our journey into human consciousness with stories that depict, with graphic imagery, OUR OWN DEVOLUTION INTO DENSE HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS and our ultimate AWAKENING and realization that this grand book is talking about US. The human race that has forgotten its DIVINE - HOOD having surrendered its memory to become totally invested into CREATURE - HOOD.

There is a purpose for Divinity to invest itself into the biological framework. This is the story of Mary, as she was overshadowed and penetrated by the divine so that Mary (THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE) would one day bring to bear the creation that is both GOD AND MAN a perfect vehicle from which to experience and occupy all of the material worlds.


The crucifixion of the EGO

We may always state what it is that we want from another human being but their giving or withholding of our request should not influence our well being - otherwise our happiness is dependent on another person. If we are affected by their negligence to honor our request we have engaged in present age technologies, knowing good from evil, right from wrong, pleasure from pain, receiving from withholding.

The knowing of these things and the judgment between them is the mechanism that maintains and sustains this present age, for what we focus upon and give our emotional currency toward, we create. Therefore, if we focus upon the gift being withheld and feel the emotions of lack, we create more situations that create the same feelings as lack - in fact, we create MORE LACK.

Fifth dimensional technology (or kingdom mentalities) is this: Finding joy, peace and contentment regardless of our interaction with others - this is the next step in our evolutionary process as enlightened beings.

It is also the first step in crucifying the egocentric self which is the mystical understanding and underlying message of the cross.

The cross is not for one man but for all.


Emotional Scaffolding

This is liberating! How many ways, in how many circumstances and with how many relationships would change on a dime if we acknowledge that these people are here to wake us up! To help us step out of our fear, to confront our own insecurities, and to look within to find every need! And we are here for them to do the same. How much deeper can we feel the connection when we remember with ancient eyes the purpose for these divine relationships!

Those that hurt us the most, whose words and actions wound us, those that challenge us to find answers, are our greatest teachers. Our greatest teachers!

Ultimately we awaken from the self imposed prison of ego and climb the emotional scaffolding toward release. This scaffolding serves as the platform from which to repair the old waste places in consciousness. It allows us to navigate upward to where we may see the weathering from our participation in resisting the inevitable… a renaissance that requires appreciation of every scar and impediment to our wholeness. Yes our dark ages SERVE us.

We realize there is a time appointed when we are finished being baptized under the dense waters of human reason and the accompanying egocentric execution and we arise.

Eckhart Tolle says this: "If I accept the fact that my relationships are here to make me conscious, instead of happy, then my relationships become a wonderful self mastery tool that keeps realigning me with my higher purpose for living."


The Coat of Many Colors

You are but one twelfth of what makes up…YOU.

Because you are highly focused in being physical you cannot perceive that there are other aspects to you. All of your physical senses are set to a frequency that only perceives this physical world. To compare, much in the same way this “one” of you has three aspects - physical body, soul or mind and eternal spirit, you are actually a part of a system that has twelve aspects that are set to a frequency above what is typical here.

You operate within a very limited bandwidth, sentencing you to perceive with your five senses this physical world alone with very few exceptions.

There are twelve others that surround YOU like a great cloud of witnesses. These twelve others are spoken of in some cultural and Biblical stories of the twelve disciples that the Christ finds, develops and gathers about itself. The Christ is the oversoul that joins you in your physical experience.

The part of you that is physical is the part that has descended into mortality, as in BAPTISM under the waters of a physical body.
This descending process has allowed for a slowing down of your vibration so that your congealed form may function in the atmosphere of time. Your clump of cells function within the construct of celestial movement having been born into the midst of the material universe. As you traveled through the matrix, the physical dimension opened and you were pushed out of the womb as the flood of waters broke and welcomed you as you drew your first breath.

This physical experience affords you great opportunity to be separate and unaware of your multidimensional nature so that you may experience being physical. You greatly desired this! It is sort of like leaving your family to attend a university in another country. You have extended yourself into the physical and material world while remaining in proximity to the other eleven.

As Joseph was cast out and away from his eleven brothers, left to die (to become mortal in time) so have you been birthed out of your celestial family. Joseph was given a coat of many colors by his father - this coat represented all of the aspects of his multidimensional self. It was this coat that was covered in the blood of a slaughtered animal to feign his death and was returned to his father as proof of his death journey.

Joseph was indeed left for dead in the hole of the earth and covered in the blood of being human. He was captured and sold into slavery where he would remain until the time to receive again his brothers and indeed all of his family as they sojourned to him to escape the drought.

We are sold into the aspect of mortality, a slave to time and mortality… until.

My feeling is that as we raise our personal vibration (with unconditional love. forgiveness and non judgement) these other aspects organically join us as our frequency rises to become compatible with theirs.


Church - Not What You Think It Is

The CHURCH??? is not what Christianity and the world thinks it is.

Matthew 16:18

Simon said to Jesus:

“You are the Christ” thereby identifying him for the first time. 
Jesus replied:

“You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church (ekklesia) and the gates of hades will not prevail against it.”

Jesus changed Simon’s name (which means "to listen") to Peter (rock symbolizes intuitive knowledge) because the portal of intuition for hearing and perceiving revelatory information had opened and would no longer be subject to intellectual or linear methods of discernment.

In the Old Testament account of Exodus 32:22 Moses was put into the cleft of the rock to see the “hind parts of His robe” (meaning a time yet to come) as God passed by Moses hidden in the cleft.

Moses and Elijah saw the day of the manifestation of the Divine transfiguring himself from mortal to immortal as they appeared suddenly in the New Testament records, thousands of years later as seen in Matthew 17:2. They were apparently transported through time to see the transfiguration of Jesus on the mount along with Elijah. Now that is revealed knowledge! From within the “rock” we are able to see the unseeable.

So what is the “church” that is being built? It is not a building with a steeple, nor is it the Christian faith.

Ekklesia from Ek and Kaleo

Ek = From the interior outwards, out from and to
Kaleo = summoned outward

This simply means that we recognize that we are internally the dwelling place of God. Our journey begins not with letting God in but rather in letting him out. Hence the meaning of "Ek" - From the interior outwards, out from and to and "Kaleo" - summoned outward. Ekklesia - the CHURCH.

If we develop our intuitive sense of hearing like Simon did then our name (nature) changes to that of “rock” where we are able to “see” the totality of the I AM that dwells within the human frame. Moses and Elijah saw this occurrence happen before their eyes as they beheld a time yet to come.

Peter declaring that Jesus was the Christ heralded the advent of a new age where the developing human species would now be able to “intuit” information. This was the coming of the Kingdom within man.

And the “gates of Hades” is internal within man, just as the kingdom of heaven is within.

In other words, Matthew 16:18 says this paraphrased:
Peter says, You are the Christ. You are that which we have waited for. As Christ, you are a man that is also God.

Jesus replies, "You are hearing and discerning from a place within you that is not intellectually based!

You are able to intuit or to hear the Christ nature that is developing within you!

The pearl within you, this great treasure within “earthen vessels” is forming.

The mustard seed within the garden is beginning to mature! It is coming from within you and expressing itself outward from you!

Divinity is within you and your physical body is a helpmate, utilizing your mind to reason and your tongue for speaking!

At last! The hellish nature of limited mortal man has been eclipsed by the Divine presence that dwells within you!

No more will you be subject to mortality!

Your being, your physical, spiritual and emotional nature is being established by revealed knowledge as a dwelling place for I AM!

And so, YOU ARE!