Escaping Christianity ~ Finding Christ is available NOW!

Escaping Christianity ~ Finding Christ is available on both in paperback and Kindle
Escaping Christianity - My Journey Out of Fundamentalism and into Christ
Escaping Christianity ~ Finding Christ is available on both in paperback and Kindle
I am thrilled to announce that I have submitted my proposal to the publisher this past December 4th. Now the waiting begins. I will know by January 6th if this is the publisher for me or if I need to search for another. It is such a timely book and I know from the comments I receive on my FaceBook Escaping Christianity Page that consciousness is ready. I hear from those with diverse backgrounds of all kinds. This will impact everyone who reads it.
With anticipation!
I am excited to announce that I will be submitting my book proposal in a matter of weeks! Escaping Christianity - My Journey out of Fundamentalism and into Christ.
I have been working on the manuscript for almost a decade and know that it is relevant, timely and needed information to present for readers.
Those that take the time to read what it is about will discover that it is not an anti God, anti Jesus book. Conversely, I am passionate about bringing to light essential spiritual concepts without the dogma that so many Christian religions attach.
Watch for news here in my Journal. I will post updates regularly.
Thank you for your interest!
Barbara Symons