The Figurative Bible
Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 04:54PM
Barbara Symons

Much of the Bible is figurative language that produces vivid imagery within the mind of man.

This imagery is supposed to help the mind that dwells within the material world understand the principles within the IMMATERIAL realms or consciousness if you will.

For example: SATAN.

Those within fundamentalism view Satan as a BEING that is at war with God. THE ADVERSARY. It is a BEING but it DOES NOT EXIST OUTSIDE of YOU.

There is a war with the SPIRITUAL MAN as it is opposed by the MATERIAL MIND within man. That adversary is none other than the intellect that uses the knowledge of good and evil to inhabit, understand and to manipulate the world of matter. Because we "eat" from this tree (consciousness) our lifespan is limited. We are MORTAL and limited to approximately 120 years of age (Genesis 6).

Divinity or Spirit continually offers to the human being signs, symbols and allegory (figurative offerings) to AWAKEN that latent part of us (Spirit) that does not dwell within the intellect.

Intellect (what the mind thinks it knows) - Discerns through the knowledge of good and evil; our serpent nature. This is our primary operating system.

However, we are being "courted" by the part of us that is Divine and Spirit, gently awakening within us, the spark that we have been impregnated, through the virgin soil of humanity and biology where the babe is cradled.

In order to awaken, we must begin to interpret the signs! Lift your eyes! How many times have we been told to do this??!

Sarah and Abram pregnant! Sarah/CERE Abram/BRUM. CEREBRUM! This babe is born within the constructs of the human mind.

ASK SEEK KNOCK to have the eyes and ears of SPIRIT opened. Its that simple. But the religious mind will resist, hanging onto its need to be right rather than righteous, grasping world of form, a FORM of godliness yet denying its power. Denying the Christ within becoming the ANTI-CHRIST.

The ANTI-CHRIST is within us all until we cease to deny that Christ has come in the flesh - OURS.

Article originally appeared on barbarasymons (
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