For God So Loved the World
Friday, January 18, 2013 at 09:33AM
Barbara Symons

John 3:16-17 16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

It is my opinion that Christianity has done a great disservice interpreting this scripture. Christian dogma states that one must accept Jesus into their heart in order to enter heaven when they die, to be spared from hell and everlasting torment. Unfortunately Christians have pissed off a whole lot of people by making this mystery exclusive to their understanding thereby creating a very divisive doctrine. 

The day I lost the word saved in my vocabulary I experienced a great shift in how I interpreted this scripture. To help the reader understand this shift I have made a list:

  1. I believe this scripture is speaking directly to the ego within all men and is stating that it is exempt from salvation, as long as human consciousness, under the control of the ego remains in duality, knowing good from evil. 
  2. It is the ego that must believe in the Son and that Son is the spark of latent Divinity within all men as symbolized by the life of Jesus
  3. That Son has been given to the Earth to bring mankind out of time itself, out of mortality and our condition of death. The Son has come to save the earth and its inhabitants from egoist domination.
  4. WE are the saviors that the world has been waiting for. This deliverer, like the pattern of Moses, will rise from within the ranks of humanity and set humankind free from the taskmaster of the ego (as symbolized by Pharaoh).
  5. The ego loves duality! Its job is to function within good and evil, to see and to judge between it. Egoist domination creates the world we presently live in as the ego “eats” from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - therefore we have and know good and evil.
  6. It is a mechanism resident within human consciousness and is an absolutely necessary component in the formation of this new creature formed out of the “dust” of the Earth. 
  7. This new creature is both God and man. 
  8. Humankind is an exceptional creation and Divinity has invested itself into it! 
  9. HOWEVER, mankind is in need of rescue because we are stuck in egoist consciousness! We are stuck in the vibratory frequency that is characteristic of ego and that is fear! 
  10. We need a savior to pattern the “way out!” Jesus came as a pattern, to show us our true identity.
  11. This Son or this deposit of the Divine has been incubating inside of human consciousness for over two thousand years. 
  12. The pattern was set when the seed was deposited into “Mary” a metaphor for all of human kind and this Christ was birthed into the manger of humanity - was crucified, dead, buried and resurrected on the third day. 
  13. In astronomy we see the pattern expressed beginning June 21st as the Sun travels until it reaches the lowest point in the northern hemisphere on the winter equinox (December 21- 22) where it stands almost perfectly still in the constellation of the “Southern Cross” for three days. 
  14. On the third day it begins its northward trek once again and it is said that the Sun “rises from the dead.” There has been a most excellent adventure as this spark of Divinity has rested in the manger of our humanhood, experiencing the ultimate death of our humanity until the time of resurrection. 
  15. The pattern is clear, we must believe in the nature (name) of this Son in order to be “saved.”
  16. This nature is not couched in duality, the knowledge of good and evil but rather in goodness!
  17. And this Son is YOU! 
  18. If you do not believe in your own Divinity, you will not experience resurrection. 
  19. If you do not believe you will continue to experience the life/death cycle and will be subject to mortality. 
  20. Jesus came to show the way to this creative principle within us that He called “Father.” It is a progenitive force of creation that renews life within continually. 
  21. Jesus said: John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. This way is the way of egoist forfeiture - where the ego surrenders to a life of servitude in favor of Divinity’s expression in and through the mastery of mankind.
Article originally appeared on barbarasymons (
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